By Ingeborg Karlsby Wiulsrød
In books, comics and movies about horses young girls star as the main characters with very few exceptions. The screen based comic "Hestejenta" explores what kind of girl-roles we find in contemporary Norwegian horse fiction. The girls have received criticism for being portrayed as too stereotypical gender wise. “Hestejenta” shows examples from five different titles to see whether the girls differ from stereotypical ways of portraying girls or not. The project also investigates what kind of values the horse girl represents and where these ideals come from. The visual part of the project collects the most important findings, and presents them through the comic media.

Ingeborg Karlsby Wiulsrød (NO)
Ingeborg Karlsby Wiulsrød is an illustrator, comic artist and horse-enthusiast. She focuses on how we perceive girls both visually and in written text, and document her findings with the use of comics. Wiulsrød specialises in using the comic media as a tool, both through her masters- and bachelor degree. For her masters she mainly focuses on the non-fiction genre. Apart from her studies, Ingeborg works on a graphic novel. She has also freelanced as a graphic designer, illustrator and comic artist. Ingeborg has got a huge admiration for horses and loves to draw them - from a safe distance.